Tuesday, July 21, 2009

NYS Senate Fundraiser-- Middle Class Fraudsters

Antoine Thompson, Stachowski and Malcolm Smith think WNY's outrage is not really directed towards them.

It is just a right wing conspiracy. Well, think again.. Everyone I talked too.. family and friends, co-workers and voters agree you better get your act together and come off your high horse.

We are from all walks of life and all of you will be held accountable. I am a democrat mother of 3 small children.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Breaking News

I just received an email that stated the reason there was no objection from Senator Thompson on why downstate gets most of the funding was because he has family in Brooklyn.

I guess that explains his rational for selling out WNY to NYC for a balance MTA bill.

Senator Thompson and Stachowski where have you been!! Don't you want to represent us??

Upstate has been short changed again..

Buffalo News 5/7/09

ALBANY — A deal approved Wednesday for New York City’s transportation system contains no funding to fix upstate roads and bridges.
The approval breaks a decades-long tradition of coupling spending on upstate roads and bridges with money for New York City’s transportation system. The three leaders from New York City who crafted the arrangement, which leaves out Long Island as well as upstate transportation projects, offered a simple message about upstate funding: Trust us.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Se la vie.... FOREVER

How committed are our elected Officials? Not one peep from Mayor Brown , Senator Thompson and Stachowski .

They are not interested in WNY economic climate.

Buffalo News 5/5/09

The other signal dropped at the CSX Frontier Yard Tuesday, as officials of the giant railroad corporation announced they would end its major switching operations at the Buffalo facility and lay off 132 employees there by the end of May.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Buffalo Ruse Always Sums it up Well.

State Senator Antoine Thompson found himself at the center of a media firestorm recently when he couldn’t recall twice sponsoring a bill that called for State employees to receive additional paid days off to allow them to attend their children’s daytime parent-teacher school conferences.

“The constituents that I work hard to represent actually came up with this bill,” said Sen. Thompson, referring to “Sen. Antoine Thompson Day,” a proposal that Senator Thompson plans to bring to the floor of the State Assembly next week.

Read More at : Buffalo Ruse

Rumor is he will also give himself the key to the city when he runs..

Monday, April 27, 2009

Per the NY Post:

STATE Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith believes that Gov. Paterson's administration is "a sinking ship," as simmering tensions between two of the state's most powerful Democrats have reached the boiling point, The Post has learned.

They can't blame the Gov for everything. The Senate majority screwed the NYS voters with this last budget. Smith along with Thompson and Stachowski are ramming their political patronage and expense down the voter's throats.

Not one has condemned the Buffalo Office of Mesi. Don't worry.. this is the purpose of the internet. WE WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THESE ELECTED FRAUDS WHO CARE ONLY ABOUT THEIR OWN JOBS..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Joel Giambra"s Political Contribution to Sen. Thompson

Per SunlightNY.com , Senator Thompson received $500 from Friends of Giambra. It is also very interesting that Giambra also contibuted to People For Responsible Government.

I guess no matter what party, the rats will always sleep with each other. They will continue to scam us out of our hard earned money.


Mesi was always a Giambra supporter so I guess Thompson helped by creating this political patronage office with of course our money in mind to pay for it all.

Friday, April 17, 2009

NYS Economy

First, our state has been on a spending/taxing spree for decades. WNY is the highest taxed area in the country, and at the same time New York State's largest employer has become....New York State. Labor Unions have not been declined any wage/benefit/bonus request in many years. Our state also has become the least business friendly state in a country that is the second least business friendly in the world. Businesses have been leaving NYS in droves to less expensive states or countries. This business loss has killed our economy, and the answer our government has come up with is to tax even more. So, is the answer to tax the "rich" even more?

It's not like those that have money do not have a choice of where to live. There's a reason why our tax base is crashing, it's because our government has chased many of the people and businesses that actually pay taxes....out of the state, leaving the rest of us to make up that loss and pay for even more government spending.

I have a friend that lives outside of NYC in a very nice area. He is well-off, but is considering moving because his property taxes are over...are you ready for this....$40,000.00 a year. That's just his property tax. Do we really want him to leave? He's paying more state taxes on just his property than myself and 20 of my neighbors.

There's no wonder why polls say that the "working class" (I always hated that term, for it indicates those that have money do not work) say that the rich should pay even more. The working class is getting crushed under the weight of our government's spending, and are looking for help from anywhere they can find it. Unfortunately, if we tax the "rich" more, our state's revenues will most likely drop because of the exodus of the rich to other states. This in turn will continue the cycle of increasing taxes on those of us that are not as well off.

I don't know how much longer the unions and politicians can think they can fool us with TV ads stating that Paterson is going to cut spending to hospitals, schools, and the public sector. They are not cutting spending, they are cutting the 8% INCREASE in spending down to 4% or less. I don't envy Gov. Patterson, for he's up against a bunch of down-state politicians that are in the union's pocket. When he asked that our next spending bill equal the 2007 level, he got laughed at.

Our state cannot increase taxes any further. With our govenment, and this includes Patterson, wanting to add a whopping 130 NEW taxes to our pocketbook, we are going to crash and burn. We have to do real CUTS to our state's spending....real meaningful cuts. We have to make our state more business friendly. We cannot keep spending money the same way we were when Wall Street was thriving, for those days are over.


State budget woes effect our precious state parks

After Senator Thompson scoup up the money from the NYSPA for his buddy Gov. Patterson , we still were left with:

Shorter hours and closures for attractions in Niagara Falls State Park.
No swimming at Woodlawn Beach and Lake Erie state parks.
Shorter seasons at campgrounds, including Letchworth State Park.

The state budget cuts will have a profound effect on parks facilities across Western New York.

Meanwhile, they eliminated Upstate's Economic Czar to create political patronages jobs for Joe Mesi and his no show cabinet.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Stachowksi, Thompson have let citizens down

For the first time in the state’s history, one person had the ability to make a difference and do what we voted him to do. Instead Sens. William Stachowski and Antoine Thompson voted for the record-setting, spending-and-taxing budget with an explanation that the “gap was too big” —what else could we do?We elected them to determine what to do.
However, since they don’t know, I’ll take a stab at it. How about cutting staff instead of raising salaries?How about using the stimulus money to stimulate the economy instead of using it like a bonus? How about reform and reducing the size of government instead of opening regional offices to get your message out?
Your message is out—we hear you loud and clear. Make sure that new office is close by, so you have a short commute next year when the new state senators can appoint you to the office. When are we going to get it?
Robert Mergenhagen

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Show Me The Money Video

Thompson should take a page from his friend Eric Adams. At least Adams is upfront about screwing his constituents. Senator Thompson hides and then quietly places his hand in your wallets.

Budget Fiasco

I just want to thank Sen. Thompson and Senator Stachowski for screwing the working class again by adopting the state budget on the backs of our working families...

After approving more taxes and fees , they increased their political patronage staff and their salaries.

God Bless America